There are too many Speech Manager Voices - So I'm only gonna use the first 50. There is not enough memory to save the file, try closing some documents or setting the application size bigger. Get File Information failed, so I will have to wing it... Text, document and highlight colors must be unique, please choose another. Set Monitor to 16 or more colors to make color changes. You can not have more than 32K of text without a carriage return. Not enough memory to save, I'll try clearing the last Undo and Scrap so we can save. There is not enough memory to read the file, try closing some documents. More Dull but sincere filler. End of document reached… No matches found… Example: There is trouble with the trees… Example: There is unrest in the forest… Tab space must be between 1 and 99… Changes in tab spacing won't take effect until you quit and re-launch SaintEdit… A generic error has occurred, we can't do anything about it. Sorry, I could not create the preferences file. Existing file is in use or locked. Try saving in a different folder, or use a different file name. Save file failed. The original was unchanged. If you are using a Novell server - try saving to your Mac's Drive. This file is already in SaintEdit, I've made an Untitled copy… Sorry, you can only have 10 windows open at a time. Sorry, there seems to be some missing resources. That's not what you typed the first time, try again. Sorry, SaintEdit requires system 7.0 or greater Sorry, Gestalt is not available. You need to upgrade your system software. A Deep Poop System Error of the third kind has occurred.